QuestionMy '02 Saturn L-Series has a weird brake problem. After traveling on a highway for 30+ minutes, the brakes often go to the floor. Once I pump the brakes, they return to normal. This has never happened driving around the city, and does not always happen after highway driving. This is beginning to sound like a riddle.
I have changed the pads, changed the master cylinder, and bled the brakes numerous times. I am not sure what to try next since it only happens after highway driving.
Any thoughts (especially inexpensive ones) would be greatly appreciated.
I wish I could help in this but my BEST advice would be to take it to a repair shop YOUR familiar with.
See if the mechanic could go with you and drive car until it acts up, so they can feel what it is doing.
I have had cars here and driven them for WEEKS and never made them act up, but the customer going with me, knows just the slighest little thing to make it act up, REALLY HELPS!!!
That would be my advice...brakes are not to be played with.
Experience tells me it is either the brake master cylinder, ABS Modulator or air getting into system somehow.
I Hope this helps