Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 1999 regal- manifold problems, upper intake manifold, head gasket
QuestionI already replaced the upper intake manifold and cleaned out the water that had gotten in below it as well as flush out the radiator and change the oil but the car only started once after that and wont start again. I have read the plenum is a common problem but wondering if theres somehting else I need to check since I have replaced it and it's still not running.
AnswerHi Rosie,
I don't get from what you said weather you replaced the gaskets where the manifold bolts to the head, but that is where the gasket is that leaks coolant into the cylinders.
Sounds like that is what is locking it up.
The head gasket is the other main place for that type of leak.
Removing the spark plugs, and using a compression tester adapter, connected to a compressed air supply, and looking in the radiator for bubbles is a good way to check that. Make sure both valves are closed on each cylinder as you test it.