QuestionI have a 94 Cutlass supreme that stopped starting up the other day. I was running errands and was on my second stop when it wouldn't start back up. I tried turning the key a few times and it made a clicking sound. This has been happening occasionally for a few weeks, but it has either started right up with the first turn, or after 2 or 3. In the past, when the car does not start after a few turns the clicking sound stops and I pop the hood, play around with the battery cables and wiring, then get it to start by trial and error, I don't know if this is a coincidence or part of the problem... This time the starter clicked a few times then stopped making any sounds, and stayed that way. I tested the starter myself by hooking it up to a charger, it turned over ok. I also had it tested at autozone and the solenoid and motor seem to be working fine. I checked all of the wires going to the starter and solenoid itself with a voltmeter and they are all receiving a current and cannot seem to find a broken fusable link. I didn't look in the steering column though, only under the hood. I noticed that when the key is turned I can hear a faint click noise in the fusebox, I actually replaced that about a year ago, because a connection was broken, all of the fuses and relays in the box seem to be getting power. I also took a look at the ignition switch under the column, I cant see anything visibly wrong and when I push it back and forth I can the lights kick on, the stereo works, the door locks work, the a/c will kick on... but I know that doesn't mean much. The battery also tests out fine, I also tried to jump start the car and that did not work either. Should I try to look in a certain area for a broken fusable link? I checked all of the wiring and cleaned off the connections for the battery, solenoid, and starter. If not is there any way I can determine if the problem is due to a faulty ignition switch or neutral start switch, or anything else? I also noticed that the security light goes on while I try to start the car. This is one light that normally doesn't come on. I'm stuck on this one and hate to waste a bunch of money on stuff I don't need, any advice you could give would be a great help! Thanks a lot
AnswerYesterday I said that light should come on, but I believe I was mistaken.
I was thinking you were talking about the check engine light, and then I got knocked off line, and couldn't return.
If you have a chip in the key, try a different ignition key.
This article may interest you, in case you ever want to bypass it, and you have this system.
or click on the VATS link, since yours is older than this one is for.