Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 94 Buick Skylark 4 cylinder, torque converter clutch, buick skylark

I have a problem with my '94 Buick Skylark.  The car starts up fine,
engine runs normally, etc.  However, after about 20 miles, especially if I
have been at highway speeds; as I approach a red light or stop sign, as I
slow down the car begins to shake and then when I come to a complete
stop the car stalls out.  When I put the automatic gear in Park and restart
the car, the car starts, but when I shift into the Drive gear it stalls out
again.  I am forced to try and start the car several times before the Drive
gear engages without having the car stall.  Or, if I wait for a while (30
minutes) the car will start and I can engage the Drive gear and get the
car moving.  Any ideas on what causes this?  

Hi Sam,
A couple ideas.
First, if it seems to be locked in gear, and wanting you to keep going in stead of stopping, I would suspect the torque converter clutch is staying locked.

If it just seems to be running out of fuel, try removing the gas cap to see if it is forming a vacuum inside the tank.
