QuestionHi Van,
I have a crazy problem with my bravada. #1---If the temperature outside is above 35 degrees my ride starts fine. If the outside temperature is below 35 degrees it will not start. It just keeps turning over and over. #2---Also if you cut the wheels sharp then it will die, More so in reverse, it always starts right back, could something be pinched?
AnswerHello CarolAnn,
Any chance the temp was 32 degrees, and moisture in the fuel system is freezing?
Try running a bottle of DryGas in the tank. Won't hurt, if that's not the problem, but might fix it.
Testing the coolant temp sensor would also be a good idea.
The temp sensor is very important at all times. If the temp sensor is in error, telling the computer the temperature is warmer then it really is at start up, it would be like not having the choke closing enough on a carbureted engine.
These specifications are from a 1993 light truck fuel & emissions manual. The specifications are the same for many different engines – coolant sensors.
Coolant sensor resistance specifications:
177 ohms @ 212 deg. F. or 100 deg. C.
241 ohms @ 194 deg. F. or 90 deg. C.
1802 ohms @ 95 deg. F. or 35 deg. C.
2238 ohms @ 86 deg. F. or 30 deg. C.
2796 ohms @ 77 deg. F. or 25 deg. C.
3520 ohms @ 68 deg. F. or 20 deg. C.
4450 ohms @ 59 deg. F. or 15 deg. C.
5670 ohms @ 50 deg. F. or 10 deg. C.
7280 ohms @ 41 deg. F. or 5 deg. C.
9420 ohms @ 32 deg. F. or 0 deg. C.
12300 ohms @ 23 deg. F. or -5 deg. C.
16180 ohms @ 14 deg. F. or -10 deg. C.
21450 ohms @ 5 deg. F. or -15 deg. C.
28680 ohms @ -4 deg. F. or -20 deg. C.
52700 ohms @ -22 deg. F. or -30 deg. C.
As for the sharp could be just puting too much load on the engine with the power steering pump.
Possible something is being pinched or moved, but getting down there and checking while someone turns the wheel is the only way to know. Does it do it every time, and fast or slow?