QuestionI drive a 95 LeSabre with about 80,000 on it. If I accelerate or break too quickly, the check-engine light comes on and the car has trouble upshifting. If its cold outside, the problem is worse, and the light comes on more easily.
Any idea what this could be? I'll be taking it to get the codes read soon, but I was wondering if you had any thoughts.
AnswerNot much to go on there Chris, but both of those conditions drop the vacuum a lot, so I won't be surprised if your code indicates MAP sensor problem.
Doesn't mean the MAP sensor is bad. It could be just fine.
MAP=manifold absolute pressure, which is vacuum.
Dirty fuel filter, or low fuel pressure comes to mind as a possibility. You can borrow a fuel pressure tester from Autozone. also has manuals online to see how it's done, and find the specs for your engine.