Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 1987 Olds Cutless Cierra Fuse Box, amp fuse, fuse block

10 days ago I replaced a 25 amp fuse when the lights on the radio and clock went out. All I could get on the radio was static, could not reprogram any stations.  Tonight it blew again.  I don't have the owner's manual, so I don't know what i replaced.

Hi Pat,
I don't know what you replaced either. Your car might have DelcoLock theft protection for the radio, which makes it unusable if it is stolen from the car, and the blown fuse could have set that.

Go to www.autozone.com and load your vehicle information. It will take you to a page where you can select Repair Info. Then select vehicle repair guides. Then select Chasis Electrical. Scroll down to Circuit protection and click on it.
Scroll down till you see a tiny picture of your fuse block, and click on it.
That will at least show you about the fuses, but i bet you will like that site also.

Good luck,