Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: electrical, fuse panels, circuit breakers

My car is a 93 Olds 88 royale, a little newer than your expertise but maybe you can help me out nonetheless. My power windows, mirrors and seats have all quit working. I have checked fuses under the dash and under the hood, not them. As for power accessories, the power locks still work and will cease to do so if I remove either said fuses. I cannot find any burnt wires or loose connections and this happened one other time about a month ago but within an hour they began working again, until this prior Saturday and I have had no such luck since, threee days. Any suggestions as to what it is or where to go from here would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Tony.

The power windows are on CIRCUIT BREAKERS in the fuse panels NOT fuses.

The power seats are also controlled by circuit breakers in the fuse panels.

The is a common ground for the seats and windows and anothe for the mirrors.

If you can read an electrical schematic I can e-mail them to you.

You will need to contact me at:

[email protected]

In order for me to provide you with pictures and electrical schematic to find and fix your problem since this board does not allow sending pictures.
