Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: what does HOT AC DISABLED MEAN, fuel pump relay, dash lights
QuestionI parked my 1995 olds 98 after work and the next day tried to start my car. It did not turn over and the info center read HOT AC DISABLED. My husband and I have checked the battery and cables, all of the fuses and relays, computer panel and fuel pump. After new fuel pump the car cranked and ran about 5 mins and died again and will not start. Help!!
AnswerFuel pump test:
1. Get yourself a helper.
2. remove the gas cap.
3. have one person listen in the gas tank at the gas cap opening.
4. have the other person turn the ignition switch to the ON position ONLY so as the dash lights come on. Do NOT attempt to start the engine.
5. As soon as the ignition key is turned to the ON position, The person at the gas tank should hear the fuel pump run for TWO SECONDS and then it should STOP.
6. Does it ?.
7. If it does NOT run for the 2 seconds the fault is either the fuel pump. fuel pump relay