QuestionA/C works intermittently. Usually only blows cold air if I have been on the highway for a while, otherwise just wam air. After a full charge, Goodyear indicated I probably need a PCM.
Associated problem may be odd behavior in my info center where I often get the message 'service required' followed by 'date not available'. This past winter my temp guage was out and now it is back working.
Usually service req and date not avail,is caused by the BCM not the PCM,also faulty battery connections will cause this also.
On the ac problem,either you have a refrig leak or a failing compressor,ive seen many compressors both fail and also have a leak through the housing or the shaft seal,an indicator of failing compressors is your pressures when veiwing the ac gauges will be lower or would be very erratic,recharging is a quick fix and if there is a leak will not last long,ac systems are a sealed system.