QuestionI have a 1997 Buick Skylark Custom, 2.4L DOHC, 85,000 miles, live in Michigan, and it has been kept in very good condition & maintained, was a rental car before I bought it in '99 with 26,000 miles. Last summer it started stalling, does this at speed and idel, or anytime, but only after it's fully warmed up. The only other problem I've had is the fuel gage is not acurate & tank is empty around 1/4 tank, I ran out of gas a couple of times, so I had the fuel filter replaced. I've had a problem with the check engine light coming on and had it checked and found a cracked vacume hose to the MAP sensor, replaced & cured the problem. The car has ran good all winter. We just had our first above 70 degree day and after driving across town and brief stop, on the way home it stalled again, normal full operating temp driving 40-45 mph. What it really does is to act as if it's not getting gas as it dosn't just quit running but does loose all power, and just seems to get a cylinder to fire every now & then just enough to keep running as long as I've taken it out of gear & feather the accelerator a little bit, don't know why that makes a difference with fuel injection but it does. After I shut the engine off I can restart it almost immediatly, I've even started it while coasting in neutral before, other times you may have to wait 3-5 minutes. After restarting it runs fine but only for a few minutes or untill my next stop and as I slow down it will stall, always starting back up when I'm ready to go (when stop light changes). It did this 7 times on way home this night in 4 miles. I've been doing a lot of research on this online and have a few ideas but nothing that stands out as making total sense. I would like to find the T.C.C. solenoid and unplug it but so far have been unsuccessefull in finding it, I also don't think this would afect it while ideling, do you?
Sorry about the length of this question but I wanted to be as detailed as possible, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Has the fuel filter been replaced?i would check into that,may be a plugged fuel filter,also with stall at decell,this is an indicator of an EGR valve staying stuck open,also check fuel pressure,key on engine off pressure should be at 41-47 psi.
The TCC connector is part of the transaxle harness and is located at the left side of the trans case if viewing from the ft of the engine looking down to the transmission tere is a large grey connector,that is the transaxle harness.let me know what you find.Thanks