QuestionHello again Ed. In response to last helpful hint, I replaced the sensor and have kept the old one as a backup. Get this, (it wasn't even plugged in).
I seem to have a related problem now, the instrument cluster is blinking.the low coolant,oil pressure and charging indicators all flash and at the same time the tach drops to nill and then comes back up. Now while all of this is going on the Security light just comes on and stays on. It went off briefly after I replaced the IAT sensor but then came back on and now stays on.
What is going on now? Or should I simply take the radiator cap off and drive a new car under it.?
I can't even find any reference to the security light in the Chilton's maintenance manual. HELP!!!
:) im glad we got one problem handled,but now we got another,now you know what i go through on a daily basis :)
Ok,on the IPC problem{instr panel cluster} try disconnecting both the pos and neg battery cables,with the cables disconnected touch both cables together for at least 10 sec then reconnect the battery cables,we'll see if we can reset the IPC,if that doesnt help,drive the car and see if its stuck in second gear,like its starting out in high gear,let me know,we may be lossing voltage to the Trans sol ckts which also supply voltage to the IPC.oh the chiltons manuals are very vague in information,basically a tuneup book and thats all,let me know what you find and we can go from there.