Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: Serpentine belt for 91 olds cutlass, olds cutlass supreme, olds cutlass
QuestionHi Ed, How do I replace a serpentine belt on a 91 Olds Cutlass Supreme 6 cyl 191 3.1L?
Thank you,
AnswerHi Kevin
The serp drive belt is fairly strait forward and not to bad to replace,it is retained by a belt tensioner that is self adjusting,the tensioner is located to the left when looking at the belt under the alternator,it has a slot in the ft part that you insert a breaker bar or ratchet into,just push down on the tensioner with the ratchet or breakerbar to release tension on the belt,remove the belt,the upper part of the water pump pulley has a plastic cover protecting the pulley it should have the serp belt routing diagram,if it is not there let me know,also the parts stores will have a diagram you can print out,then reinstall the new belt following proper routing on the pulleys and release the tensioner,if you have further questions feel free to contact me.Thanks