Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 94 caprice&76 chevy malibu, chevy malabu, camaro z28
Question I would appreciate any information on two automotive questions. 1.a vandel broke my left outside mirror on my 94 chevrolet caprice. The mirror is heated. The service manual only gives information for repairing a non-heated mirror.Is there a different procedure for a heated mirror other than removing the broken mirror and putting a new adhesive backed mirror on? 2.I want to replace the automatic transmission on my 76 chevy malabu v-8. Can I pull the engine and transmission as one unit still bolted together from the top using a hydralic engine puller sold in auto parts stores with a tilter? Can these hydralic engine pullers go high enough to clear the grille with both the engine and the transmission together? I replaced the engine in this car myself 10 years ago using a homemade wooden scafold. This method will not work now. THANK YOU
On your caprice mirror question,there is no differance in the replacement and repair of the mirror,use the same repair method as what the manual states,the only differance between the 2 is the heated mirror has 2 wires plugged into the glass portion,just unplug the connector and your done.
The Malibu,yes you can pull out both the trans and the eng as one unit,the eng crane can handle both and with a tilter it makes the job alot easier,i do it all the time at home with my 69 Camaro Z28,and at work,but then again ive just left the trans in place,you can do either way without a problem,the eng cranes do go high enough,try to position the tilter and the lifting chain as close to the eng as possible and extend the cranes boom to the middle,this sould give you clearance of the grill,if you need more help drop me a line.Thanks