Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 92 Buick skylark,3.3L, automatic, skylark 3, buick skylark

    I have 3 questions...
1   When the brakes are applied, there is a noticable momentary dimming of the lights(dash and headlight) and a clicking (sounds like a relay) under the dash (sounds like its coming from the center).

2     Where is the fuse box?

3     Where is the fuse/relay for the anti-lock brake system?

   Thanks for your time.


Usually when the brakes are applied there is a noticable draw or dimming,this is caused by when all the lights on and maybe the heater or ac on,the load put on the alternator can be high,an example is ive seen draws with everything well above 50-80 amps,this puts a heavy electrical strain both on the alt and battery,though normal,it can be remidied by having both the battery and alternator checked to make sure all is well there,ive installed batteries because they were weak for the same complaint your having.Now the clicking noise is normal,this is cause by the shifter interloc soleniod which is activated by applying the brakes,the interloc keeps anyone from moving the shifter until the brakes are applied,this is normal.
 The fuse box is located at the left side of the dash,there is an access panel remove that and its behind.
 The ABS relay is located at the relay center under the hood center at the firewall near the blower motor,the relay counting from looking at it left to right is position #3 The abs fuse uses the heater/AC fuse 25 amp,and it also uses the gauges fuse 10 amp for both the ABS and the Lamp driver.any questions feel free to drop me a line.Thank you