Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: Engine wont restart after running 30+ minutes, mass airflow sensor, fuel injection cleaner

I have a 1990 Olds 98 Regency Brougham with the 3800. After running for a longer period of time (30 minutes or more), the engine won't restart after being shut off for 2-5 minutes. It will turn over like normal, but won't fire. I suspect either no spark or no fuel getting to the engine, but I am not certain.

The problem first happened when it was cold (0-10 degrees Farenheit) and a low tank of gas, so I thought it may have been water or crud in the gas line. Gas-dry and fuel injection cleaner did not clear my problem. When it does this, after waiting about 15-30 minutes, the car will restart. It had recently showed the same symptoms in 40-50 degree weather also. Today, while driving on the interstate, it sputtered 2-3 times (as if it were out of fuel, but has nearly a full tank) in the hour I was driving. When I came to a stop sign, it went real rough, then died. It would restart and run 30 seconds or so, then idle down, run rough, backfire, and die.

Any suggestions? And approximately how much can I expect to spend to correct this situation?

Thanks a lot for your time and expertise.

Hi Steve,
I am thinking possibly temperature sensor. Go to this link and read it. very interesting.

Then check this link about the mass airflow sensor. it is a Ford link, but they work the same, and this is a real good discussion.

