Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 87 0ods cutlas ciera trans fluid out top of tras dip stick, pan gasket, strawberry milk

i have a 87 olds cutlas ciera ciena 4 cylinder
i had the trans pan gasket replaced about 2 months ago and now my trans is pushing fluid up threw the dip stick is is airated and looks like a strawberry milk shake it only does it when i shut the car off it slips a little but it allways have i have heard that it cam be caused by over fillinf or if the trans cooler is leaking coolant in to the trans anny suggestions

I guess you have checked to see if it is overfilled?

Here is what I think.
This is nice clean looking fluid, but just with a lot of air bubbles? If so, did whoever replaced the pan gasket, replace the filter also, and use a NEW seal?
I am thinking the "O"ring that seals the tube from the filter, where it pushes into the suction port of the transmission, may be leaking, and it is sucking air.
That is an easy fix, but requires removal of the pan again.
Get a new seal for that tube, and be SURE the tube isn't cracked. It is just plastic.

Good luck,