Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 89 Cutlass Cierra - windows & battery, cutlass cierra, jumper cables

Hi Van.  We were given a 1989 Cutlass Cierra, 3.3 L recently.  We've put in a brand new battery.  I started the car and it turned over the first time no problem.  2 weeks have passed and I cannot even get a click.  Nothing works.
Also, the driver's side window went down when we received the car, but would not go back up.  When I checked the car after installing the battery, all the other windows worked (very slowly) but nothing with the driver's side.  I have taken off the door panel.  The plastic track seems to be in one piece, but the window will not budge.
I have no knowledge of the repair history.

Hi Tina,
Something, possibly a glove compartment light, or under hood light, probably stayed on, and drained the new battery.
Use some jumper cables, and see what happens.
This link might help.

