I have a 1991 Olds Cutlass Ciera with just over 100k miles on it. I was driving today and it died as I approached a stoplight (going ~15 mph). I immediately restarted it (no problems doing that), but now the Service Engine Soon light is on and won't go off. I don't know too much about cars and wondered if it's safe to drive it in this state until I can get to a shop, or if there's a way I can figure out on my own what's wrong with it. Also, if it makes a difference I just got a notice from my state that I was "clocked" in a roadside emissions test as having too many emissions. I don't know if that has to do with this problem? The car seems to be running fine- temp gauge is ok, doesn't smell hot, isn't idling any differently that usual- but the light makes me nervous to get out on the road. Any help you can give is greatly appreciated.
AnswerHello Sara,
If the light is not blinking, then it is not unsafe to drive.
It may go off itself after several start and run cycles if the problem clears up.
I would run some injector cleaner through a couple tanks of gas.
Back sometime before 95, you could clear stored codes by unhooking the battery for about 30 seconds. Not sure exactly when they started requiring a scan tool to erase them, which will turn off the light.
Your EGR valve may have just stuck open on some carbon.
The injector cleaner might even clean up your emissions.