QuestionMy '92 Century will intermediately quit starting, due to what I've been told is a short in the Security System. GM as well as their dealerships tells me that because the car is > 10 yrs old… they don't support it any more. However for an exorbitant fee they will disconnect it for me. Is there something as simple as a fuse that can be disconnected? The fuse panel contains close to 30+ different ones that neither the labels nor owners manual indicate which is for the security system.
Any suggestions?
AnswerHello Deb,
I just got my answer. A service manager suggested I contact a member who had posted an answer a while back for the same problem, but it was deleted so unscrupulous people wouldn't use it to steal cars.
Here is the letter I got from member "notcamero"...
"First thing would be to try a different key, hopefully the least used one that is in a kitchen drawer somewhere. The usual fix is to measure the resistance of the pellet in the key itself and put a resistor in series with the very small pair of wires that come down the steering column. Probably a very small white/black stripe and purple/white stripe. This should do the trick. You could also do this at the passkey module itself but that thing can be really hard to access. Sometimes it's on the side of the passenger side airbag unit. Looking for terminals A6 and B2. All this pertains to a Camaro but should be the same for Buick. The final thing would be to hot wire the starter, bypassing the passkey altogether and see if it will still fire the injectors. If not, there are bypass modules that will send the correct signal to the ECM to make them work, (Ebay for that), although a new Passkey module is not real expensive either. For sure, I'm no expert on this. I bought a totalled Camaro for the drivetrain and had no key at all so I had to get into it pretty deep. Once you dig into it, not that complicated to figure out. Key pellet satisfies the module, module enables the starter relay and sends a pulsed ground to the ECM, ECM fires the injectors."
I sincerely hope this helps you out, and if there is anything else I can help with, let me know.
You can go through allexperts, or just contact me at
[email protected], or
[email protected]
Good luck,