Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 1995 Buick A/C function, temperature gauge, newer cars

Please settle and argument for us. My dad says that when operating the A/C in my 1995 Buick, it is not necessary to set the temperature gauge to the coldest setting since the A/C has a thermostat that will produce cold air even in the middle of the heat range setting and will automatically turn itself on/off to keep the temp. He says this works just like the thermostat in my house which turns the A/c on and off depending on the temparature selected.  I think that if I set the car's temp gauge to the middle-then the A/C that comes out is not as cold and the the system runs continuosly until I turn it off. I know newer cars have a thermostat that can switch the A/C on/off, but does my 1995 Buick?

Hello Dawna,
I think it depends on what Buick you have.
If it has a digital readout where you set the temperature you want, then he is right.
But if you have the slider lever that selects from cold to hot, and everywhere between, then you are right.

What is being adjusted by either system is how much air actually is allowed to pass through the heater core, which always has engine temperature coolant in it.
