Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: AC compressor for Aurora, turkey valley, ac compressor

I live in Sumner, work at Turkey Valley School in NE Iowa. I'm looking to find a used AC compressor for a 1998 Aurora.  I got two estimates on the price to install a new one, and it is outta sight!  Can you help direct me to any place that may have a used compressor? I had no luck on the auto parts website or carparts.com.
Thank you!
Lisa Miller

Your LOOKING FOR TROUBLE when buying a USED compressor as you have a 50/50 cahnce of it being 100% operative and lets say you buy one and pay someone to install it and put all the oil and freon in it and start it up and the compressor is noisy.

You take the compressor back to the USED place and they will only give you another compressor.

You have to pay AGAIN for all the labor to install the SECOND compressor and HOPE that it is good.