Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: Electrical power to A/C compressor, automatic climate control, oldsmobile delta88
QuestionI have a 1992 Oldsmobile Delta88 LSS and recently because I needed freon added to the air condition system the garage put on the retrofit kit. The mechanic said he can not get the A/C compressor to kick on but if he jump starts it the compressor works. I have the Automatic Climate Control on this model and after they worked on it I noticed that the temperature gauge on the dash blinks for a couple of minutes after the engine has been shut down and restarted. Is it possible that the A/C compressor relay is bad and if so which relay is the A/C compressor one on firewall at the fuse/relay center. A few years ago I had similar problems with the relay switch but is there a possibility it is a wire problem to the compressor? Thank you for your time and I would appreciate any help you can give.
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