Question-I put an OBDII scanner on the car and there are no codes registered. Does this help you?
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Question -
My 99 Intrigue with 3.5 starts instantly but will not produce power for several minutes until warmed up. It bucks and tries to stall if I feed it any gas during this period. It runs perfectly after warmup.
Answer -
There are so many possible components that can cause this type of fault that you would need to have to have a SCANNER put on the vehicle in order to test the various components.
the most probable faults are:
1. An inaccurate COOLANT TEMP SENSOR.
2. An EGR system malfunction as the EGR is operating when the engine is COLD when it should NOT be operating until the engine warms up.
3. A fault within the emissions system.
Without utilizing the scanner, You would be just guessing.
AnswerI need the specific readings being displayed by the scanner. Let's say that the coolant sensor FOR EXAMPLE ONLY reads the temp sensor at 1400 ohms when the engine is COLD when in reality it should read 800 OHMS. This would NOT cause the check engine light to illuminate but will cause the engine to not emit enough fuel thru the injectors.
The readings on the scanner will tell you if the EGR system is OPEN or CLOSED along with various other information from the other sensors on the scanner display.
It is possible that you could have a weak fuel pump that takes awhile to finally run at full speed or a fault in the fuel pressure regulator of which again requires a diagnostic tester.