Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: ignition module, olds cutlass ciera, olds cutlass

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i have 86 olds cutlass ciera. that won't start, apparantly theres no spark. would that be easily changed at home. with a ignition module. it has a full tank of gas, new battery and starter. Wheres distributor cap.& do i need any special tools to change it?  thank you
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Could be the IGNITION MODULE or the IGNITION COIL or the PICKUP COIL in the distributor.

If you do not even know WHERE the distribor is located I STRONGLY suggest that you have a repair facility do this delicate work.

could i get the distributor replaced and then all of the 3 possibilities are taken care of? i have some one who knows more coming to my house .but i just wondering on which parts to start with?

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You COULD replace the $350.00 distributor and it MIGHT solve your problem. But it is much easier to perform the tests to make SURE your problem is in the distributor and not in the external coil.

What ENGINE size ?. 3.0, 2.8, 4.0 ?.


its a 4.0, . these tests ? do you need specific tools?any info would help .
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Olds did not make a 4.0L engine.

i,m sorry. i meant 4 cyl, 2.5l, FI. what tests could determine if its in the distributor or in outer coil?

You will need to contact me at:

[email protected]

In order for me to provide you pictures and procedures to fix your problem.

NOTE: This website is NOT mine and I am only a VOLUNTEER helping answer BASIC simple questions to those in need and this website does not allow pictures to be sent and or received.

Please include all of the information, MAKE, YEAR, MODEL, Engine size, transmission type and all necessary other information that you previously provided as well as the information that I just gave you when you contact me.
