Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: A/C Compressor, delta 88, electrical tester

I have a 1985 Olds Delta 88 that is in excellent condition.  Just recently when I turned on the A/C, I noticed that the compressor did not kick on.  I know that the compressor was working during the winter when I was using the defroster and noted no unusual noises and have never had any issues with the A/C over the years.  I have done a few quick tests and noted the fuse is in tact and there is power going through the fuse when the A/C is turned on.  I did notice that the black molded plug that plugs into the compressor has seen better days.  Is there any way to test the compressor to verify it is still operational with an electrical tester?  Also could I cut the plug off and resplice the wires to the compressor without any concerns of electrical issues down the road?

Thanks for any input.

You can replace the wires, BUT, There is a DIODE located across the wires taped to the plastic connector under the tape that MUST be re-installed in the EXACT direction from which you see it installed across the wires. If you break or damage this DIODE this will cause erratic indicator lights to flash on the instrument panel such as the CHARGE LIGHT, OIL LIGHT, ETC,ETC.

I can provide you with some basic test procedures to do to diagnose your problem BEFORE you go rewiring the compressor connector.

You will need to contact me at:

[email protected]

In order for me to provide you pictures and procedures to fix your problem.

NOTE: This website is NOT mine and I am only a VOLUNTEER helping answer BASIC simple questions to those in need and this website does not allow pictures to be sent and or received.

Please include all of the information, MAKE, YEAR, MODEL, Engine size, and all necessary other information that you previously provided as well as the information that I just gave you when you contact me.
