Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 1995 buick roadmaster, buick roadmaster, intake manafold
QuestionI get white smoke out of exhaust system when i start in the morning then it clears up?I also need to know why when you pull off the oil fill cap that it kills the motor?I was told the intake manafold was changed.I have not yet done a compression check not motor.Uses alot of oil,suspect oil ring problem.It seems to also have a alternator light on but the guage reads good and the alternator was replaced too from junckyard parts.
AnswerEverytime you install an electrical component from a JUNK YARD your asking for trouble. TYhis alternator could have been sitting for years and could be internally shorted of which can destroy the computer system and the vehicles computer.
Your white smoke and shutting OFF when the oil cap is removed would tend to suspect a faulty installation of the intake manifold and or gasket problem.