Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 2000 Olds Silhouette Oxygen Sensor, oxygen system, oxygen sensor
QuestionHi, My check engine light is on and after reading the code it says 0134 no input from upper oxygen sensor. I replaced the 02 sensor and cleared the code. The light came back on again after 2 days and I'm getting the same code. Replaced 02 sensor again...........no change, light comes back on. Helllllllllllllp! Van won't pass an E-Test like this.
AnswerAre you POSITIVE that you are replacing the CORRECT o2 sensor ?. Some vehicles have more then ONE o2 sensor.
There is a strong possibility that there is a wiring problem from the o2 sensor back to the computer and or a fault within the computer. If the computer (PCM) is at fault the PROM CHIP within the computer must be recalibrated.
There is also a possibility that you have an exhaust leak in the exhaust system ahead of the oxygen system of which will cause the o2 sensor to sense to much AIR in the exhaust thus setting off the code.