Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 98 3.8l, crank shaft, electrical schematics

hi how you doin sorry to bother you but i have a 98 camaro with a 3.8l v6 same as the buick and there is no injector pulse and no hot lead to the feul pump relay from the ignition module i am a mechanic myself but these new wiring systems i cant figure them out i put a brand new ignition module in the car still nothin if you can ive been picking every body and anybodys brain for some knowledge on this matter if you dont have an answer all is well i hope to hear back from you

Let's talk about the fuel pump system operation FIRST.

When you first turn ON the ignition the computer energizes the fuel pump relay to run the fuel pump in the gas tank for 2 seconds. this pressurizes the fuel system prior to starting the engine.

Once the engine is running, the fuel pump relay is NO LONGER USED and the fuel pump is supplied battery voltage directly from the vehicles computer system.


What mechanical work or ANY kind of work has been performed on the vehicle recently ?. As most problems that occur after a recent repair was made can be traced back to the area of where the repair was made as a vacuum line may have been knocked loose or a wire connection came loose, Look around in the area where work was performed.

Your most likely suspect is the CRANK SHAFT sensor of which controls the ignition coil and the injector pulses.

If your NOT POSITIVE as to how to perform the diagnostics and or how to replace and ADJUST the CRANK SHAFT SENSOR and need diagnostic and electrical schematics,

You will need to contact me at:

[email protected]

In order for me to send you some electrical schematics and pictures related to your problem.

This website is NOT mine and I am only a VOLUNTEER helping answer BASIC simple questions to those in need and this website does not allow pictures to be sent and or received.

Please include all of the information, MAKE, YEAR, MODEL, Engine size, transmission type and all necessary other information that you previously provided as well as the information that I just gave you when you contact me.
