Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: mass air flow circuit & air conditioning, mass air flow sensors, air flow sensors

I have a couple of questions about my 1997 Buick LeSabre. One is that my check engine light keeps coming on.  I had it checked and the repairman said that the P0101 mass air flow circuit signal is low.  He said I could drive it, but it would have to be replaced soon and would be expensive.  Do you know anything about this subject?  Also my A/C vent switch is messed up and only blows air through the defrost vents.  The dealer said it would cost about $800.00 to fix.  Do you know anything about problems with the vents?

GM has always had problems with their MASS AIR FLOW SENSORS and YES they are EXPENSIVE.

As to the A/C ONLY blowing air out of the defroster vents when the controls are put on ANY setting this is a classic cause of a broken vacuum line that comse from the engine vacuum hoses and goes thru the firewall and into the passengers compartment under the dash.

This broken line should only take 10 minutes to fix and is the cause in 90% of this type of fault.

Look around the wiring harnesses or sometimes they wrap the vacuum line INSIDE the electrical harnesses that go thry the firewall and look for this vacuum line to be broken or loose.

Especially look around where they were working near the MASS AIR FLOW SENSOR as they may have accidently knocked the vacuum line loose in that area.

Do NOT spend $800.00 when in most cases the problem is a broken 10 minute fix vacuum line.

If you have a camera and can e-mail pictures, take a lot of close up pictures of the vacuum hoses around the engine and numerous pictures of where wires go thru the firewall and e-mail them to me at:

[email protected] and I will try and locate and identify the vacuum line that were are looking for.

One last item.

The vacuum line that we are looking for is going to be a small PLASTIC tube NOT a rubber hose.
