Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: Throwout bearing, clutch slave cylinder, cutlass calais

1991 Olds Cutlass Calais 4-cyl, w/5-speed manual tranny.  Throwout bearing started making noise yesterday, how difficult is repair?  Assume you pull tranny off engine?  Clutch has been replaced by shop mechanic once and vehicle has 129K miles now.  What is normal MTBF?

It's NOT that difficult IF you have replaced one before. On a scale of 1 to 10 this would be about a 5.

Bearing failure depends upon how many timse you use the clutch pedal and how you operate the vehicle. 60,000 miles is pretty good for a bearing.

1. You should also replace the:

clutch plate.
2. pressure plate.
3. machine or replace the flywheel.
4. flush the hydraulic system (if clutch is hydraulic)and replace the clutch slave cylinder and rubber hose.
5. Replace the trans fluid.
