Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 2003 Alero, blown fuse, fuse panel
QuestionI have a 2003 Alero w/ 30000 miles. When I shut the engine off the oil and battery warning lights turn on for a few seconds. I have checked the oil level and it is fine, my next oil change is not due for 600 miles. Is this a computer problem, or does it have something to do with the battery or alternator?
AnswerCheck to see if you have ANYTHING on the vehicle that does NOT work that is electrical and that may have blown a fuse in the fuse panel(s) as this problem can be caused by what is called a BCAK FEED of electrical current due to a blown fuse or inoperative electrical device.
I very much DOUBT that you have any type of computer problem as I have yet to see this as a cause for your type of problem.
If there has been ANYTHING electrical ADDED and or replaced on the vehicle and or someone has worked on the vehicle, This change in components or work on the vehicle may have a wiring problem or loose connection causing your problem.