Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: Skylark Custom 1997 Window, flathead screwdriver, bottom rail

Hi -

My driver's side window motor burnt out about two years ago - I was AMAZED at the cost to replace the motor but bit the bullet and paid a shop to replace it with a heavier motor.  Now the same window appears to be "off kilter" and does not raise/lower appropriately.  It's "canted" forward and doesn't ride smoothly, although it will finally close if you play with it a little - it's a pain when you commute via a toll route in D.C.!  I think it may be off the bottom rail but I've got to get past getting the front left door panel off - how can it do this without breaking clips on the door panel or making this worse?  Also any tips on what to look for once I get the door open would be of great assistance.

Appreciate the expertise.

hi frank, well the doors today have a new style clip a lot stronger then the earlier ones.take a good look at panel look for hidden screws like in pull handle.there won,t be many if any at all.take a wide flathead screwdriver and at the bottom corner of the door panel stick screwdriver in andpry upward you will hear snap locks pop out do this all the way around panel .after panel is removed check and make sure all snap locks came with it.with window in raised position look in acess holes you will see a bolt one on either side of the glass.these are your adjustments for the glass.adjust them accordingly.plug your switch back in and adjust these until window is working right.most likely one is loose.now you will also find braces that bolt to inside of door make sure these are all connected properly as well. good luck please vote for me billymac