Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 1988 Olds Cierra stalls, crank sensor, coil pack
Question1988 Olds Cierra 2.8 v6 stalls when comes to a complete stop or while slowing down. I have replaced the module, crank sensor, and 1 coil pack, but the problem still exists. I also had a diagnostic test performed but it came up with no problem.
What else should I look for?
Answerhi theadore, well diagnostics on a 88 gm, were almost worthless in 88 lol.they basicly had very little of the system monitored.sounds like maybe a idle air control sensor.this sensor is designed to search out the desired idle for all circumstances.when you let off the accell this will take over this could have been checked with a scanner ,but if it was not a problem right then they would not have been concerned about it.another common prob i have had two tonite,is the torque lockout switch on the transmission ,when it malfuntions it will not let the trans down shift.and it acts like a manual shift and stalls the engine.try and put it in neutral and see if it still dies,if not the plug for this sensor is in the front of the trans closest to the radiator ,un plug it and drive car see if this helps.if none of this does write back we will dig a little deeper please vote for me billymac