Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 93 lesabre with hesitation in the acceleration, excellent cars, tune ups
QuestionMy '93 Buick Lesabre has around 120k miles. It has been a good running car til about 2 months ago when it started to hesitate (flutter) when I accelerated. This happens at any speed of acceleration. It will also back fires (slightly, and not loud) when it is accelerating. Before I dropped alot of money into the car I thought I would ask someone who knew more than me on this subject. It seems like a distributor cap, but it doesnt have one.
Answerhi jeff.lesabres are excellent cars ,and when i see one most of the time i only do tune ups.you have never had problems with this car.if you want this pattern to remain follow these simple instructions.put good wires on car not cheapies.new plus a/c delco.. a new fuel filter.there is a diff in cheap parts and good parts.put the stuff gm designed for this eng and your lesabre will be reliable for a long time.i know i drive one so does my wife.sister and mother inlaw.my house on sun looks like a buick commercial.lol good luck jeff please vote for me billymac