Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: oldsmobile repair, oldsmobile aurora, 1996 oldsmobile aurora
QuestionHi Billy,
I have a 1996 Oldsmobile, Aurora. At the present time when I put the car in drive it starts to shake, likewise, when I slow down the car at a light, it starts shaking, however when the car is in neutral it works smoothly. When I put the car in rear-drive it shakes much less than when I put it in drive. My guess was that there was a problem with the fuel regulator sensor, so I replaced it, however it didn't help. My question to you is, what do you think the problem is? My second question is how do I check the fuel regulator sensor to see that its working properly? My third question is, what does a MAP sensor do?
Thank you greatly for your time.
Vlad Farber
Answerhi vlad, well sounds a plug wire or plug.to check the reg you need a fuel pressure hooked to the eng.watch the pressure unplug the vac hose and watch for a fluxuation in pressure if there is one then reg is good.a map sensor.is a manafold airpressure sensor.it actually measures the amount of air flowing to your eng and adjust it accordingly as to the air fuel demand of the ecm.a vibration is most always related to a cyl misfire.most likely in the secondary ignition system.good luck please vote for expert of the month ty billymac