Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 94 LeSabre 3800, knee panel, autozone
I recently acquired this car w/ multiple problems. The most annoying is a surging (ignition misfire, maybe multiple cylinders) both while at idle and while accelerating. Seeing that the plug wires were AutoZone cheap-o's I replaced the plugs and wires w/ Delco ones, but w/ no success. I ran a resistance check on the coils (5.8, 6.1, 6.2 ohm). Do you know where I should look next?
I do get a check engine light every so often (soft code). But I haven't been able to pull the code yet. (Is there a way to pull the code w/o bringing it to a shop?)
Just as a side note there is water on the floorboard since the detailers cleaned it. Now the power locks don't work and the right turn signal sometimes doesn't work.
If you need more info feel free to email me. I thank you for all your help and your vast knowledge.
Eric Jones
Answerhi eric,wow i am impressed with your knowledge. and if your car is not a very late 94 as in past 6 of 94 then you can access the codes however 95 and up all have obd which you will need the help of a scanner.under the dash you will have a diagnostic connection dri side right or left knee panel.will be accessable without removeing anything.if this is a completely square plug it is not obd and you can pull codes by putting a paper clip straightened into a u shape jump the two pins on the far right side of the plug.turn key on watch and count check eng light flashes.it will flash ipause 11.this is code 12 tells you you are in diag mode.watch count flashes five flashes five five flashes pause five flashes code 55 so on..good luck.billymac