Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: Electric window, chev malibu, chevrolet malibu

I know your specialty in Olds/Buick. Hopefully,you can help with my Chevrolet Malibu question. I have a 1999 chev Malibu 4 door, v-6, and the driver side window will not go up. I does go down, but won't go back up. Alll the other windows work. I pulled out the box in the door and everything seems to be in place,however, I know nothing of circuit boards and that is what it is hooked up to. I thought if it was a the electric motor, then the window shouldn't go down either. But with electronics, who knows?  Can you help?  Thank you for any help?


hi patsy.wow i am impressed very good ,i also use the logical approach.if the motor runs down it should run up.so the prob is here.when you push the button for down power goes one way and when you push up power flows the other way so here is what it is not doing is switching power for up.well the only thing that does that is the switch,hence switch.and more then likely you normally only have one person in the car and with toll booths drive throughs etc the drivers switch is always the first to go.reolace the switch,master switch if they are all on one.good look ty for writeing please vote for expert of the month ty billymac