Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 86 Buick Century computer?/Ignition?/Fuel System problem?, fuel pressure gauge, suction strainer

got an 86 century limited with 4 cylinder.
lots of miles but still sound, had a valve job and head gasket just
a year past.  used computer installed 6 mo ago. get 32 mpg.
Current problem - driving for approximately 65 minutes at
65mph, engine suddenly goes to 25-35 mph and surges in 1
second cycles.  Holding accelerator at 1/2 seems to work and
got into next town approx 12 miles away ok but never could
gain speed.
I stopped, looked at everything under hood, wiggled every
connector I could find, and checked all the hoses to see they
were seated, everything seemed in place.  Called for help getting
home. and let engine sit.  No Water in tranny, No water in oil, No
oil in coolant. heater in defrost position for whole drive.
Checked car after calling for help and letting sit idle for
approximatey 30 minutes.  Started perfectly, backs perfectly,
goes into drive just fine, and I think the car would have driven
fine.  In parking lot where I tested it seemed to respond perfectly
but couldnt really get a lot of speed.
local people cant get at car for a week.  They offered three
possible lines of investigation and a minnimum $800.00 to
repair.  I suspect that it could be computer from a similar
experience with a lumina.  But where is the computer on an 86

love this service look forward to an answer.  enough info or too
much?  thanks Dan

Hi Dan,
I think your description was just dandy.
I would like a fuel pressure gauge connected to the car, and then go for a ride, and see if the pressure stays up where it belongs.
I am thinking of a vacuum forming in the fuel tank and keeping it from allowing fuel out.
Or possibly trash collecting on the suction strainer in the tank, doing the same thing, then falling off as it sat there.
There is also the possibility of an electronic item being affected by heat, like the crank sensor, or the ignition module.
