Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: viper ultra 800 car alarm, purple wire, key pads

I have a 91 Ford Explorer with an after factory viper ultra 800 alarm installed.  The alarm pads aren't working and the alarm goes off when it isn't supposed to.  An alarm company tried to re-code the alarm for new key pads but weren't able to.  the only thing they succeeded in doing was making it impossible for me to use the "valet" on the key pad or under the dash.  Is there anyway to disconnect the alarm since it isn't possible to drive the truck now?  Thank You.

hi sandy,well this is tricky but it is doable.lol  the alarm is wired into the steering coloumn.the wire here will actually split a yellow or purple wire.they have cut the wire and wired each end to the controller,cut the controller wire off ,and splice wire going into steering coloumn back together.this is a starter interupt to keep the vehicle from cranking.find the wire going to the locks probably through the door too the lock switch.cut this wire..now under the hood at the coil or the ingnition module ,you will find where a wire has been spliced cut this wire.now you have a siren under the hood cut one of the wires,this will disarm the alarm and car should run if you have more questions wb i will try and help you ty billymac please rate my help