Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: Cant Find Oil Filter/Pan, buick skylark, oil pan
QuestionI attempted to change the oil in my '93 Buick Skylark Limited this weekend but absolutely could not find the oil filter or even the plug to my oil pan. I have a Chilton manual but cannot find it at this time. Can give me an idea about where to look for it?
Answerhi adriane,the oil pan is on the very bottom of the engine.the drain plug is located in the center of the oil pan..if you look at the center of the front of the car you will be standingright in front of the oil pan.the eng oil pan is round or egg shaped .you may be looking at the transmission pan which has no drain plug.the filter will be located in the front corner of the engine.like in the corner at the bottom.i hope this helps.please rate my help ty billymac