Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 1989 olds cutlass cierra, fuel pressure regulator, olds cutlass
QuestionI have an 1989 olds cutlass cierra with a 6 cyl. engine. For over a year now, I've had to crank the engine over for at least 10 to 15 seconds when I go to start it when it is cold. Once it's warm, it starts right away and runs very smoothly. Also though, in the summer on a very hot day on ocassion it has started right away when it was cold. This leads me to believe that engine temperature plays a big part obviously. I've done a number of things to try to solve the problem, including, changing the feul pump, the temperature sensor, the fuel filter and another sensor just below the temperature sensor, all to no avail. The car isn't really worth putting any money into so I had relegated myself to living with the problem untill I stumbled across this fabulous web site. I've been on other automotive sites, but there, everybody is worried about their own problems and there aren't the experts to help solve the problems like there are on this site. Already from reading other similar problems on this site, I see that the crank sensor can also play a role. I would appreciate any suggestions you can give me. Thankyou.
Answerhi shayne, yes crank sensor is a possibility. fuel pressure regulator is possibility.you see if a regulator is faulty the pump has to work harder to pressureize the system and until the system is fully pressureized the eng will not start.try this turn key on then off 5 times before cranking does it start faster if so regulator is bad.hope this helps please rate my help ty billymac