Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 94 Buick LeSabre 133K, torque sensor, vacuum line
Just bought the car and believe having trouble with ECM. Codes came up for tranny solenoid and others (misfire, EGR), replaced 2 solenoids & vacuum line but erratic slip and occasional stall at coast-down continues - trusted tranny man says it appears fine. Unfortunatly, engine was cleaned by seller. I am about to remove ECM, clean contacts before I spend $100 at dealer for diagnosis. Any thoughts? Thanks!
Answerhi rich,well sounds like lockout torque sensor may be failing.try this there is a 4 wire plug on side of transclosest to radiator.this is the torque sensor unplug this see if still does this if not torque sensor is bad but if shifts ok and you don,t want to spend a couple hundred in repairs you can leave unpluggeg. check the hose comeing from trans vacum.at the modulator valve see if there is trans fluid in this hose if so modulator seal is bad and will need replaced very easy to do also.good luck billymac