Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: tilt steering, 1979 olds cutlass, olds cutlass
QuestionI have a 1979 olds cutlass and the steering wheel is very loose. It has excessive freeplay and can be moved in an almost circular motion. I have checked the column - it is tight and the movement seems to be coming from the tilt mechanism. I have not taken off the steering wheel or the column covers yet, but am fairly confident it lies in the tilt. Are there any common problems you have seen with tilt mechanisms that I should look for first ?
Answerhello dale
oh yes i have sean many problems with tilt wheels they have pins what lock to keep them tight . it is a very rough job with out the right tools . If i were you i would go to a sallavge yard and get a good used coiluim it is only 50 dollors and easy to do pete