Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: secondary air injection ventyre 2000, chevrolet venture 2000, emission control system

Chevrolet Venture 2000.
When i start cold engine the secondary air injection sustem starts to inject fresh air directly into the exhaut manifolds, bat dosent stop when the engine becomes hot.I hear sound from side on the air pump left will.When i pulled a smoll pipe from the valve (front)(part#24508523)i heard vacum saund for second and air pump stopes.Wat can i do to make the system normal.  

hi daniela,well this system is part of your emission control system.the lenghth of time the air pump is deceided bye several valves and relay s and sensors.and will run more on cold days then hot or visa versa.if there is a prob with this system the check eng lamp will come on as long as it is working.so it would be impossible for me to reccomend a part .but i would suspect the air divertor valve is on the way to failing.but until you have a light on hard to say.hope this helps you please rate my service ty billymac