Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 1981 Olds Cutlass, olds cutlass, haynes manual
QuestionI would like to know how to change a heatercore in an 1981 Olds Cutlass; Engine Size is 260 and has AC?
Answerhi dan ,lol hope you are sitting down.remove complete dash all attached wireing.brackets hoses.there will be nothing in front of the driver except about 3 miles of wireing.now you see the heater box un hook lines under hood 2 hoses going into firewall.remove heater box separate remove core replace and put it all back together. dan save yourself some trouble go to auto store get a haynes manual for this vehicle you are going to need it this is complicated but you can do it if you are careful and patient..please take a min of your time to rate my help ty billymac