Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 2000 silhoutte traction system, ford tech, ford dealership
QuestionMy abs/ trac off light comes on and the service traction system light also comes on. I was told by a garage that the left front sensor was bad. I had it diagnosed at an olds dealer. I work at a ford dealership, so had the guys at work replace it. It still is lighting up and not functioning properly. Any ideas? Everytime I accelerate the traction active light comes on , then the abs light and trac off light comes on.
Answerhi cheryl,well the sensor was probably bad.but from being a ford tech for a lot of years i will bet there is not a gm scanner on the place.lol so what is most likely going on here is the part was diag bye gm and replaced bye ford both mostlikely right on the money.the only prob gm as fords computers have to be told the prob was repaired.and yours has not been told bye a scanner to clear the code.lol you need to go back to gm and clear codes and the prob will go away ty please take a min to rate my help..billymac