Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: exhaust manifold, header?, exhaust manafold, salvage yard
Questioni am not too sure what the name of the part that i am loooking for is. I think it is the exhaust manifold, but i cant seemto find that anywhere. the place that it is broken is before the c02 valve, or something. just before the pipe goes to the exhaust pipe. Can you help me?
Answerhi chelsea,sure i can help.although i don,t know what kind of car you have.here is what you do,call a local parts place auto zone or advanced auto or even a salvage yard.tell them what kind of car you have and the year and engine size.and that you are looking for the exhaust manafold.if they can,t get it then you will have to call a dealer for the make of car you have.or send me this info and i will locate the part for you.please rate my service ty billymac