Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: no spark, coil pack, saveing

well i ran the tests u told me to do and there is no spark so i dont know what there is wron i have replaced bothe the ignition and the control mod and the this that go on the control mod and the plugs and wires do i dont know what it could be the fuses r good too so plz i need help...thanx chris ps the fuel pump is ok .....damn this is driving me nuts...lol

hey chris,yes it can drive you a little crazy,i have an average of 20 car probs per day ,so i can relate.but just look at all the labor you are saveing.and this car will be very dependable when you are finally done.lol ok no fire CRANKSENSOR this is located in one of two places.! #1 under the ignition module ,if it is there when you changed the module it would have went in a hole in the block.you would have remembered it being there.if it was not bolted to the bottom of the coil pack.then it is on the back side of the enginecloser to the front of the eng,it has one 8 or 10 mm bolt holding it remove that bolt.and pull it out .go to the parts store and buy the part first so you will know what it looks like .good luck billymac,ps let me know