Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: stalling, oil pressure switch, coil pack

I have a 96 Olds. Ceira with the 3100 in it.Driving down the road the car just quits just like it runs out of gas.It starts back up but sometimes takes awhile,I do hear the fuel pump come on.Any suggestions ?

Hello Jim,
If you can hear the fuel pump Every time, then I would probably rule out a fuel problem, although not 100%.
I would check for spark during the no-start.
It may be something as simple as a loose connection, wiggling, and just causing a loss of memory. Wiggle all the connectors associated with coil pack, ignition, ECM, etc, prefferably while the engine is running, and see if you can duplicate the problem.
While doing this, it is possible to inadvertently correct the problem, so start gently, cause ideally, you WANT to cause it to die, so you know where you fixed it.
A code reader would also be nice to see if there are any stored codes.
Lack of fuel, though, doesn't store a code. Neither does low fuel pressure, which could be from a dirty filter.
I would probably connect a fuel pressure tester where I could watch it while driving, and go for a ride. I would be watching for the pressure staying up as it dies.
Obviously, if the pressure drops, causing the dying, I would turn my attention to fuel pump control, although not computer or relay. That car has a oil pressure switch that provides power directly to the pump as long as oil pressure is above 4PSI, weather the ECM or relay are working, or not.
